
This is where a new account head is created or added to the item master or an existing account is accessed for editing. For a successful account creation or editing data needs to be passed through necessary multiple levels for verification.

account master 1

Account details


This is the unique identification code generated by the system for every account in the accounts master.


This is the name of the account head.


This is tha name of the accounts group to which the account to be created comes under.


This is the unique code assigned to classify the services provided. SAC is the acronym for Services Accounting Code.

Max credit balance

This is te amount in rupees that can be the maximum allowed credit balance for a particular account head.

Max debit balance

This is te amount in rupees that can be the maximum allowed debit balance for a particular account head.


This is the type of currency that is used under this particular account.


Costcentre mandatory

This a check box to select whether costcentre is mandatory or not. If it is mandatory, select the default costcentre.

Default costcentre

This is the name of the default costcentre.

Parent Ledger

This a check box to select whether there is a parent ledger associated with this account.

Main ledger name

This is the name of the ledger associated with this account.

Quality check

This is to select whether this particular account has gone through any quality check procedures, and if passed or not.


This is a field to enter any additional information or remark regarding this account.

account master 2


Date from

This is the date from which a partiular tax group has been added to this account.

Tax group

This is the name of the tax grup associated with this account.

account master 3

Account opening

Splitup Required

Tick the check box to select if bill split up is required .

Bill date

This is the date of the bill.


This is the name of the party associated with the bill..

Bill no

This is the bill number.

Credit days

This is maximum allowed credit days for this particular bill.

Bill details

This is further details regarding the bill.

Debit Opening

This is the date for the opening of debt.

Credit Opening

This is the date for the opening of credit.

Mapped amount

This is the total amount corresponding to the bill.

Mapped Advance amount

This is the advance amount paid

Previous year recieved amount

This is the amount recieved in the previous year for this particular bill.

account master 4

Reconciliation opening

Reconciliation required

Tick the checkbox if reconciliation is required.

Bill date

This is the date of the bill.


This is the name of the party associated with the bill..

Bill no

This is the bill number.

Bill details

This is further details regarding the bill.

Credit Opening

This is the date for the opening of credit.

Debil Opening

This is the date for the opening of debt.

Instrument Type

This is the type of instrument used either cheque or DD.

Instrument no

This is the instrument number.

Instrument date

This is the instrument date.

Reconciliation date

This is the bill reconciliated date.

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