This master include all the details of the Deposit Account.
This is to select the name of the deposit account holder.
This is the name of the membership name of the specific deposit account.
This is to select the group of the deposit account.
This is to select the beneficiary of the deposit account.
This is the name of the guardian of depposit account holder.
This is the relationship of the guardian with the deposit accoumt holder.
This is the locaion of the deposit account holder.
This is to select the district corresponding to the location of the deposit account.
This is to select the state corresponding to the location of the deposit account.
This is the pincode fror the locaion of the deposit account holder.
This is the date of birth of the deposit account holder.
This is the address (1) of the deposit account holder.
This is the address (2) of the deposit account holder.
This is the address (3) of the deposit account holder.
This is the contact number of the deposit account holder.
This is the phone number (1) of the deposit account holder.
This is the phone number (2) of the deposit account holder.
This is the email id of the deposit account holder.
This is the gender of the deposit account holder.
This is the status of the deposit account.
This is to select whether the nominee is an existing one or new.
This is the address (1) of the nominee.
This is the address (2) of the nominee.
This is the address (3) of the nominee.
This is the distance to the nominee's location.
This is the location of the nominee.
This is to select the district of the nominee.
This is to select the state of the nominee.
This is the pincode of the nominee location.
This is to select whether the introducer is an existing one or new.
This is the address (1) of the introducer.
This is the address (2) of the introducer.
This is the address (3) of the introducer.
This is the distance to the introducer's location.
This is the location of the introducer.
This is to select the district of the introducer.
This is to select the state of the introducer.
This is the pincode of the introducer location.
This is the deposit account opening date.
This is the deposit account closing date.
This is to select the nam e of the one who is incharge of the specific deposit account creation.
This is the minimum withdrawal amount of the specific deposit account.
This is the maximum withdrawal amount of the specific deposit account.
This is the minimum deposit amount of the specific deposit account.
This is the maximum deposit amount of the specific deposit account.
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