This master include all the details of the Party..
This is the unique identification code generated by the system for every Party.
This is the name of the Party.
This is the legal name of the Party.
This is the account head associated with the correspoding party.
This is the name of the party group.
This is to select the check boxes based on the type of the party to be created. Party types can be Customer , Supplier, Manufacturer, Distributor, Service party, Tea broker , Transporter, Doctor, Driver .
This is the phone number associated with the party.
This is the email id associated with the party.
This is the website of the party.
This is to select the corresponding sales pricelist of the party
This is to select the corresponding purchase pricelist of the party
This is the preferred payment mdoe of the party.
Thisis to select the preferred route of the party.
This is to select the TDS type of the party.
This is the preferred delivery mehtid of the party.
Thiss to select the type of ID proof available for the party.
This is the unique number in the id proof of the party.
This is the percentage of rebate for the party.
This is the the maximum discount percentage for the settlement of the party.
This is the PAN number of the party.
This is the GSTIN number of the party.
Tick the check box if VAT is registerd for the party.
This is the corresponding VAT number of the party.
This is the registration type o f the party. It can be unregistered, regular and composition.
This is the MSME number of the party.
This is the UAN number of the party.
This is the FSSAI number of the party.
This is the drug license number of the party if applicable.
This is the explosive license number of the party if applicable.
This is to update the details of any additional licenses is applicable for a party.
This is to update the details of any additional licenses is applicable for a party.
This is to update the details of any additional licenses is applicable for a party.
This is to be selcted if the corresponding party is allowed to have supplier credit.
This is the maximum allowed credit limit in rupees for the party.
This is the maximum allowed days to repay the credit for the party.
This is to selct the date based on which the cred is allowed for the party. It can be invoice date or bill date.
This is the number of days allowed to the party as buffer for the credit payment, to prevent the overdue.
This is the minimum amount to be paid by the party as buffer to the credit payment, to prevent the overdue.
This is to select whether this particular party is active or not.
This is to select whether this particular party is allowed for promotional messages or not.
This is to select whether this particular party is blacklisted or not.
This is the number of days valid for the purchase order.
This is the remark to be viewed on the payment screen of the party.
This is the remark to be viewed on the billing screen of the party.
This is the general remark to the party.
This is the address information of the party.
This is the billing address of the party.
This is the name of the state corresponding to the location of the party..
This is the name of the district corresponding to the location of the party..
This is the name of the location/landmark corresponding to the location of the party..
This is the distance between the party and the branch location.
This is the name of the nearest branch to which the above distance is associated with.
This is the pincode corresponding to the location of the party.
This is to selected if a separate delivery location is present for the party. For every delivery location, the address info need to be entered in the table.
This is the name of the contact person.
This is the designation of the contact person.
This is the phone number of the contact person.
This is the email address of the contact person.
This is the bank account details of the party.
This is the bank account number of the party.
This is the bank account name of the party.
This is the bank account type of the party.
This is the bank name of the party.
This is the branch name of the party.
This is the branch code of the party.
This is the IBAN code of the party account.
This is the SWIFT code of the party account.
This is the IFSC code of the party account.
This is the details for the tender participation of the party.
This is the date from which the party is allowed to start the tender participation.
This is the last date until which the party is allowed to complete the tender participation.
This is the fee in rupees, for which the party is allowed to the tender participdation
This is any further details regarding the party, about their tender participation.
This is the details of the items the supplier party provides.
This is to select the name of the item from the item master.
This is the item code of the item.
This is the item supplier code of the party.
This is the barcode of the item.
This i sthe minimum purchase quantity of an item for a specific party.
This is the unit in which the item can be purchased from the party.
This is the current rate of an item.
This is the new rate of an item
This is the net rate of an item.
This is the average days for delivery required by the party.
This is the supplier rating of the party.
This is to add any additional information about the party.
This is the details of the distributors of the supplier.
This is to select the distributor of the supplier.
This is to select the branch to which the item needs to be delivered.
This is the details of the registration fees paid by the supplierf.
This is the start date for which the registration fees is paid for.
This is the end date for which the registration fees is paid for.
This is the amount of registration fees for the supplier.
This is any further details about the registration fees paid.
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