This voucher include all the details of the sales vouchers.
This is the unique item code associated with the items in the sales voucher.
This is the name of the account head for the items in the specific sales voucher.
This is the quantity of the item in the sales voucher.
No. of Bags
This is the number of bags of an item in the sales voucher.
Package Type
This is the type of package of the item in the sales voucher.
This is the unit of the item in the sales voucher.
This is the rate of the item in the sales voucher.
This is the gross amount of the item in the sales voucher.
This is the discount percentage of the item in the sales voucher.
This is the discount amount of the item in the sales voucher.
This is the net amount of the item in the sales voucher.
This is the tax group of the item in the sales voucher.
This is the tax amount of the item in the sales voucher.
This is the final amount of the item in the sales voucher.
This is the serial number of the item in the sales voucher.
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